Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Week 9

Looked at a video on YouTube: "Everyday Hair Routine/Tutorial" (I need all the help I can get). I lost interest, though, and clicked off before it was over. Then I found an interview with Neil Gaiman, author of this year's Newbery winner The Graveyard Book. I brought the book home to read this summer; now I'm anxious to start it.
I didn't even realize you could download books onto an iPhone or iPod. I have read (in print) 2 of the top 5 fiction downloads--My Sister's Keeper and The Time Traveler's Wife. I see now where my children go when there are charges on their bank statements to "iTunes."
OverDrive looks exciting.
Web 2.0 has been fun and it has stretched me. I've learned that there is so much out there which I fail to take advantage of or use. I appreciated the opportunity to work at my own pace and also that we were given some extra time to complete the work. I also have enjoyed reading everyone's blogs. My own children are very impressed that I have a blog--the first bit of technology I have used before they have.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Week 8

Zoho Writer is an easy online word processor. I like the available templates. I created an account with Google Docs. In that progam, I took a look at Docs for Teachers. There is a "book review and rating form" which I could use with students. The online presentations feature looks good. Everything seems fairly simple and user friendly (which is what I need!). On Web 2.0 Awards, I explored "Fun Stuff." There's a site where you can create your own comic strip. I can envision much creativity with that.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Week 7

I love the term "wiki." It sounds exotic and exciting--just like Hawaii. I can see that it is a good way of gathering facts quickly. I have used Wikipedia in the past; it troubles me that the name sounds authoritative and students will think it is safe for conducting research. I enjoyed the 5 star reviews in Booklovers Wiki. Of course I've always admired Mevil Dewey; I might have to check out the book entitled The Dewey Decimal System of Love!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Week 6

I can see that Del.icio.us has potential to assist in research. Technorati organizes the blogosphere. I hadn't heard the term "World Live Web" before I read the article. I saw that Jennifer Garner (4) and Jennifer Aniston (9) are the top searches. Hey, what about Matthew McConaughey? "Boing Boing" is the #1 blog.
Libraries have changed at an amazing rate. When I began my career, I relied on my typewriter and technology consisted of film and filmstrip projectors. I know we have to continue to change in order to reach our techno savvy population, but, for me, it's scary to worry about keeping up with all of the advances. The article on icebergs is interesting. I do hold onto a "just in case"collection.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Week 5

Created an avatar (really). She's wearing an Hawaiian sundress with a background of cascading water. Saved it to my pictures, but then my computer said I needed to download a new program in order to view it. I'm wary of downloading any more programs--I don't want my computer to crash. Added 4 books to Library Thing--some of my more intellectual readings that I've done in book club--not my escapist romantic fluff. Created a travel search roll. Maybe someday ....

Monday, May 4, 2009

Week 4

I didn't have any idea what RSS was until my exploration tonight. I subscribed to USA Today.combooks; rottentomatoes:movies, and unshelved. My technology skills are stretching, but I feel a bit uncertain about what I'm doing (plus it seems to take me forever to get something accomplished).

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I selected this picture "Anchored in Calm Waters" because I love the ocean and because one of the goals for my life is to be anchored in calm waters.